Why is Marijauna Illegal?
Put Simply: If Marijuana is Legalized, Big Pharma Loses Profits!
...and (overall) it make more money as an "illegal substance."
Let’s be honest. There is no reason a substance such as marijuana should be illegal. The reason it is illegal is the same reason healthcare is privatized and prescription drug companies make a fortune for disease mongering. The reason marijuana is illegal is because it makes more money being illegal than it does if it was legal. Just think about it, its capitalisms worst nightmare. People have the ability to grow a natural medication in their back yard. Having marijuana illegal not only reduces other, often less effective drug sales but also eliminates whole industries that make large exurbanite profits. If illicit drugs were to become legal that would shrink the courts, amount of police, the criminal justice system, and the prison system. These are huge industries that make billions and employee many workers.

The problem is now that the system is entrenched. The last thing big pharma and the drug manufactures want is a readily available drug that citizens can grow in their back yard without consuming their product. The drug industry is a trillion dollar market and they lobby accordingly throughout the legislature.
Although the American government has long since acknowledged the medical benefit of marijuana, it is still criminalized, ruins more lives then the drug, and congests the legal system with a problem that has only been created through propaganda and ignorance. Marijuana prohibition does more aggregate harm to society then the legalization and decriminalization and many law enforcement leaders would agree with this paragraph!
"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls of those who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson, 1784

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